Environmental Science is a vast field of Science that combines many Sciences in order to understand and study the processes and interactions going on into the Environment. It has four Goals and 10 Branches. The study of Environmental Science, Its Objectives and Branches are explained in detail. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.
1. What is Science?
Science is a systematic study of behavior and structure of the Physical and Natural world through Observation, Experimentation and testing the theories against evidence obtained.
Science is basically the study of knowledge about everything that exist in the world. It accepts all of the realities and concepts that are proved by its own Theories, Experimentation or Scientific Evidence. Otherwise science deny the existence or authenticity of that process, thing or any thing present around us. All of the processes involved in the Observation, Experimentation and Testing are referred to as Research. Research is the process of knowing more about a known or unknown problem. Science is the reason why we are living an advanced and easier life, because it has provided us with gadgets, facilities, processes and designs suitable for our lifestyle to make it much more easier.
There are many branches of Science such as Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, etc. But we will have a detailed description about Environmental Sciences in this blog. We will learn about the Introduction, objectives, areas and Importance of Environmental Sciences in detail. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.
2. What is the study of Environmental Science?
Environmental Science in an Interdisciplinary academic field that combines different fields in order to study the interactions of the various Components of the Environment.
It is the field of Science that is completely associated with study and understanding towards the World’s Environment. Environmental Science is the study of all Environmental aspects, Natural processes and the continuous changes in the Environment around us. It is a vast field that involves the study of everything we see and feel around us. This is because everything in our surrounding is counted as our Environment. There are several Chemical, Physical and Biological processes going on into the environment, Environmental Science studies all the information about these processes.
Environmental Sciences not only studies the Environmental Problems, but also provide strategies to Control or Eliminate them from the Environment. It also study the impacts of these Environmental issues on Human Health and other Biodiversity on Earth. This field also gives us awareness about the worth and importance of our Environment so that we can recognize it. This field also includes Technological Advancements such as Environmental Monitoring Tools, Sustainable Practices, Renewable Energy Technologies etc. in order to reduce and control Environmental issues.
It integrates many of other fields because everything relates in direct or indirect way with the Environment. This interdisciplinary field integrates Ecology, Geology, Meteorology, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Physics in order to study Environmental Problems with complete explanation and understanding. Policies and Legislation also contributes in the Environmental Field and are a big challenge in solving Environmental Problems. This blog contains Study of Environmental Sciences.
Interdisciplinary Nature of Environmental Sciences:
Many Scientific disciplines are integrated with Environmental Sciences. This is the reason why it is an Interdisciplinary field. All of the integrated Scientific disciplines study and explore the Environment. Following are some fields that integrates with Environmental Sciences:
Earth Sciences:
Earth Sciences is the study of Earth, its atmosphere and also the processes that shapes it. This explores the structure and processes that maintains Earth Systems or Geological Systems.
Life Sciences:
Life Sciences is the scientific study of life that includes the study of organisms, cells and ecosystems. It includes all the subjects that supports and explore life on Earth.
Physical Science:
Physical Science refers to the study to Inorganic World, i.e. it does not study living things and living systems. And it explores the non-living components of the Environment.
Social Sciences:
Social Sciences is the study of how people interact with one another. This discovers the types of responses, behaviors and impulses that shows interaction between people.
- All of these fields are integrated with the Environmental Sciences as it is a vast field with interdisciplinary nature. We can get to know about thousands of fields of Science while studying Environmental Sciences. All of these sciences can be widely used for devising Solutions of Environmental Problems or issues. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.

3. What are the Key Concepts of Environmental Sciences?
Some of the essential terms of Environmental Sciences are very important to be known while studying Environmental Sciences. Some of the Key concepts are as follows:
Aquifer is the layer of rock or sediments that stores or transmits water. These work as a Water Sources, for Water Extraction and are used for Water recharge.
Biodiversity is known as the variety of life that is present on the Earth. Every type of life, their life cycles and ecosystems are very important to understand in Environmental Sciences.
Carbon Footprint:
Carbon Footprint is the total carbon emissions that are emitted into the atmosphere by an activity, product, company and country. This is a big Environmental Concern.
Ecosystem is a community of living organisms that interacts with each other and its physical Environment. The exploration of Ecosystems is integral part of Environmental Sciences.
Sustainability is the concept in which we fulfil the needs of present generation without compromising the needs of future generation. It is a very important pillar of Environmental Sciences.
These are some of the Key concepts of Environmental Field or Environmental Sciences.
4. What are the Objectives of Environmental Sciences?
Environmental Science guides us about the causes and also the effects of Environmental Problems. This field makes us aware about our surrounding Environment and all the processes going on around us naturally or artificially in our Environment. Following are the Objectives of Environmental Science:
i. Awareness about Environmental Problems:
The first and the most important objective of Environmental Sciences, is to create Awareness and Understanding towards Environmental Problems. Unfortunately, most of the people in the world are not aware of the Importance of our Environment and the way it acts upon us and effect our lives. They keep on working with their Conventional and Non-sustainable ways for development and other purposes. Environmental Sciences provides awareness about the Environmental Problems and also provides us information about Anthropogenic Causes of Environmental Problems. This makes them aware of their own working techniques and they can adopt Sustainable ways to work because of Environmental knowledge and education.
ii. Interactions between Natural and Artificial Environments:
The second Objective of Environmental Sciences is to study and also know about the interaction between Natural and Artificial Environments. As we know that, modern Development, Agricultural techniques and other modern components of the world have raised Artificial Environments. Environmental Sciences helps us to study the impacts of Natural Environments on Artificial ones, and also Impacts of Artificial Environments on Natural ones. This evaluates the deeper interaction between Artificial and Natural Environment. The concept of studying interactions, will help us to find out suitable alternatives and go forward on the journey of Sustainable Development and Sustainable living.
iii. Motivate Participation:
The third Objective of Environmental Sciences is to Motivate Participation in protecting the Environment. Many people around the world know and acknowledge the existence of Environmental Problems and Crisis, but they hesitate to participate in Environmental Protection because it is not common in their region. This enhance the negligence for Environmental Problems as people do not support these activities in different regions of the world. Environmental Sciences have enough knowledge and also guidance about how you can participate personally or publicly in Environmental Protection in simple ways. Its goal is to motivate people to protect the Environment in which they live and cherish.
iv. Promote Sustainability:
The forth objective of Environmental Sciences is to promote Sustainability. Sustainability is the concept of fulfilling the needs of present generation without compromising the needs of Future Generation. This concept teaches us to be responsible in utilizing Natural Resources and Biodiversity in different ways. Sustainability is the need of this time, because Over-exploitation of Natural resources is very common and many of the resources have become scarce. This will make our next generation lack of Natural Resources and their lives would be difficult on Earth. Environmental Sciences explains the worth and also advantages of Sustainability and in this way Promote Sustainability in the World.
These are some of the Objectives of Environmental Sciences. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.
4. What are the branches of Environmental Sciences?
As we know that Environmental Sciences is a vast field. It covers almost all subjects and fields. There are almost 10 Branches of Environmental Sciences. These are as follows:
1) Ecology:
Ecology is the study of organisms and their interactions with each other and their Environment. This branch covers the living processes and also interactions of Biodiversity with each other and their role in the Environment. Ecology helps us to study the living organisms that interact or involves in the maintenance of the Environment. It also includes the study of Ecosystems, Impact of Human Activities on Natural Habitats and Biodiversity in detail.
2) Environmental Chemistry:
Environmental Chemistry is a chemistry that studies the chemical processes going on into the Environment. This include each and everything in the form of chemicals that are present in the Environment either useful or harmful. It can help us in the study of harmful pollutants and their controlling strategies. It also helps us to study the pollutants, their sources, reactions, transport and their effects on Ecosystems and Human Health.
3) Geosciences:
Geosciences includes the study of physical structures, their processes and interactions with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. It includes many other branches of science such as Soil Science, Geology, Hydrology etc. All of these fields help us to understand the structure and composition of the Earth and how it involves in the Environment. This helps us to know about Earth, Earth Systems and also Natural Geological Cycles that continues on Earth.
4) Atmospheric Sciences:
Atmospheric Sciences includes all the processes and components of the atmosphere. This field covers some more fields such as Meteorology, Climatology and Air Quality. It takes account of all the processes, conditions, components and interactions of Atmosphere with Biodiversity. This also include the study of parts of the Atmosphere and their interactions and roles into the Environment. This branch examines Weather patterns, Climate Change, and effects of Air Pollution.
5) Environmental Policy and Management:
Environmental Policy refers to the laws associated with Environmental Protection or Conservation. While Management here refers to Management of Environmental Crisis. It includes the Development and Implementation of Policies and Management Strategies of Environment. These management strategies addresses Sustainability, Conservation and Resource Management, so that we can conserve our environment and protect it for the Future Generations.
6) Environmental Health:
Environmental Health is the field that studies the Impacts of Environmental Problems on Human Health. It helps us to understand the Impact of exposure of the Pollutants, Toxic substances and Effects of Environmental Changes on Public Health. In other words, it studies the interaction between Human health and Environmental Components. This provide a vast information in the field of Human Health and their relation with Environmental Problems.
7) Wildlife Biology and Conservation:
Wildlife Biology is the study about living and interaction of Wildlife with the Environment. While Conservation is the concept of Useful preservation and protection of Biodiversity. This explains the importance of Wildlife in our Environment along with their Roles. It includes all the information about Wildlife and the Impacts of Humans and also Human Activities on Biodiversity. It provides us Strategies of Biodiversity Conservation.
8) Sustainable Development:
Sustainable Development is a technique of development that does not harms the Environment and even works for the Protection of the Environment. Now a days, development is necessary to highlight your name in the world. Development has been neglecting the Biodiversity for years. So, development should be while taking Biodiversity Conservation in the focus. Sustainable development is the only way to keep the balance with nature.
9) Marine and Coastal Sciences:
Marine Sciences involves the understanding and study of Marine life and also the processes going on in Marine Ecosystem. Coastal Sciences includes the study of Coastal resources and Coastal areas with complete detail. This is a very significant field as many Environmental Aspects associates with Marine Ecosystems and Coastal Sciences. This field of Environmental Sciences take charge of the Coastal areas and Coastal resources as well as the Marine Ecosystem.
10) Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology:
Renewable Energy are those energy forms that can be renewed on their own within a short period of time. Environmental Technology refers to the techniques and also the strategies that can be acted for the protection and Conservation of the Environment. This helps us to maintain our Environment with effective Strategies. It integrates the use of Renewable energy resources and Environmental Protection Technologies in this Field.
These are some Branches of Environmental Sciences. If you want to know about Environmental Problems of our time, click the mentioned link. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.
5. What is the Importance of Environmental Sciences?
Environmental Sciences has become a very Important field due to present day Environmental Conditions and Problems. Without study of Environmental Sciences we would not be able to control the potential Environmental Problems. Following are some points showing the Importance of Environmental Sciences:
- The field of Environmental Sciences addresses the Environmental Problems and takes out Strategies to Control them.
- It completely focuses on Environmental Development.
- Environmental Sciences makes you understand and so realize the Importance of Environmental Conservation and make people dedicated about it.
- This field help in the Implementation of Biodiversity Conservation.
- It also guides us Strategies to Control Environmental Pollution.
- Environmental Sciences provides us ways to stabilize the Human Population and Environmental Conditions in many ways.
- This guides us about the ways to use Natural resources in a Sustainable manner to make them available for the next Generation.
- It works for the Safety and maintenance of Water and Soil Quality.
- This field guides us to fight with Extreme Environmental Problems such as Global Warming, Pollution, Climate Change and Ozone Layer Depletion.
These are the points showing Importance of Environmental Sciences.
What are the Real World Applications of Environmental Sciences?
Following are some of the Real-World Applications of Environmental Sciences:
1) Sustainable Agriculture:
Sustainable Agriculture has become an integral way of reducing Environmental Degradation caused by Non-sustainable Agricultural Practices. Research on Sustainable Agriculture has introduced Agroforestry, Aquaculture and many of such Sustainable Food producing systems to maximize Food Production and Fight with Food Insecurity.
2) Earth Science Applications:
NASA’s Earth Science Application guidebook translates satellite data into practical guidance for decisions about water, land, agriculture and also disasters. This kind of applications help us to know about upcoming Environmental Conditions and help us to monitor the land or soil without visiting the site.
3) EnviroAtlus:
EnviroAtlas is a specialized Environmental Tool that is introduced by U.S. EPA. This tool helps link land cover changes to potential drinking water treatment challenges. It is effectively used in Health Risk Assessment and also in regional Planning. This is an achievement of Environmental Sciences.
6. What are the Main Careers of Environmental Sciences?
You can have following educational opportunities in the field of Environmental Sciences:
Environmental Science Degrees:
This Science Degree means all the degrees that can lead to the careers of Environmental Science, such as Environmental Consultant, Environmental Engineer or Environmental Educator.
Environmental Education:
Environmental Education refers to the awareness you get awareness and also education about Environmental Concerns, Issues and Solutions of those problems. This can be by attending workshops, internships or learning the courses related to Environment.
Other major Fields and Careers of Environmental Sciences includes the following:
Environmental Specialist:
These professionals monitors the impact of Environment has on a group of people and suggest solutions. They use Sustainable ways to fight Environmental issues.
Env. Science Teacher:
Environmental Science Teachers are the professionals who teach Environmental Sciences courses so as they are well-educated people in this field.
Environmental Engineer:
The Environmental Engineers are the professionals that have degree of Environmental Engineering. Their duty is to design systems that promote Environmental Protection.
Marine Biologist:
Marine Biologist explores and studies the life within the ocean. They study marine ecosystems and also other Salt-water containing Water resources such as Wetlands.
Environmental Chemist:
Environmental Chemists collects the samples of soil, air and water. Then they test these samples and determine their quality. They work to prevent Environmental Threats.
Wildlife Biologist:
Wildlife Biologists are the Environmental Professionals primarily study animals and may assess them in their Natural Habitats. They classify them and identify new species.
Microbiologists are the professionals that studies microorganisms and also explore how they live and thrive in nature. They analyses the effects of bacteria, fungi etc. on the Environment.
Environmental Consultant:
Environmental Consultants provide expert advices to the clients that help them to manage Environmental Problems and reduce the company’s Carbon Footprint.
Other Environmental Careers include; Environmental Scientist, Environmental Geologist, Geographer etc. Each of them can be adopted by Environmental Science Students to serve others and earn well. This blog contains information about the Study of Environmental Sciences.
6. Conclusion:
Environmental Science is the study of processes and also the interactions going on into the Environment. It guides us the strategies to tackle potential Environmental Problems or to reduce their impacts with simple strategies. The objectives of Environmental Science includes; Environmental Awareness, Interaction of Natural and also with Artificial Environments, Promote Sustainability and Motivate Participation. All of these Objectives Promotes Environmental Protection and Conservation.
Environmental Science is multi-disciplinary Science that combines many of the Scientific fields in order to understand the potential causes of Environmental Crisis and their Impacts on Biodiversity. It also helps us to provide us the Strategies to fight with these Environmental Problems in order to be safe from them and Protect our Environment for a Long-term. You can practice Bachelor and Masters in Environmental Science and you can also do online Masters into this field.

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