This blog contains complete information about Global Warming, its Causes and Impacts. This blog also contains some Current Scenario of Global Warming in the World. It also explains the Natural and Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming along with its Impacts.

1. What is Global Warming?

The concept of Global Warming is the increase in Earth’s temperature and Warming effect on Earth. In the start of Earth’s era, the Environmental Problems like Global Warming and Climate Change were not so visible. Because there were very less Non-sustainable uses of the Natural and Artificial resources. Humans were living a simple life and there were no complex innovations in human life. Global Warming is the issue of current era and previous century.

This Environmental problem is disturbing each and every natural mechanism of Earth. Global Warming us as dangerous as the Extreme Climate Change and it is one of the consequence of Climate Change. It is elevating many Environmental Problems and they are getting worst with passing time. This all is leading to Environmental Degradation, Destruction of functioning of Geological Cycles, and many other major problems in the Environment and atmosphere.

We will discuss the current stage, Causes, and Impacts of Global Warming in detail. Global Warming is completely described in this blog.

Causes of Global Warming

2. What are the current Scenario of Global Warming?

The current scenario of Global Warming is blowing the minds of the people who know about the past changes and increase in temperature in the past. This is visible that the increase in Global Average Temperature is reached to 2.5 – 2.9 °C above pre-industrial level. It relates to the Green House Gases Concentration that are the most in 2 million years and it is still increasing. The conditions of Climate are becoming extreme leading to heat waves and freezing temperatures.

Due to temperature increase, the Glaciers are melting very fast and the water is raising the sea levels. This rise in sea level is increasing with passing time, that now its is a threat to Coastal Areas across the World. This is a big issue exerted by Global Warming. Following are the Examples of two present unpredictable Global Warming scenarios:


As in Greenland is the world’s Largest Island that was always frozen with ice and snow. Due to extreme impacts of Global Warming, the ice is melting at exponential rate, and plants are growing in that region. This is not a good sign. As Earth use Ice or snow for its albedo, so with melting ice, the albedo effect of the Earth is decreasing and replacing with plants.

Saudi Arabia:

While if we have a look on Hotter regions such as Saudi Arabia, there the deserts that were dry from the start, are becoming Green with plants and trees due to extreme rainfall and Precipitation. These are the signs that are causing the Earth to act against its nature.

If we do not act on and control Global Warming it will lead to the worst Natural Disasters in Future. We will understand the Causes and Impacts of Global Warming in this blog.

3. What are the Natural Causes of Global Warming?

Following are the Natural Causes or Drivers of Global Warming:

1: Changes in Solar Activity:

As we know that sun is the biggest source of Heat on Earth. So, the changes in solar activity and Earth’s orbit around the sun, can cause increase and decrease in global warming. This relies on the angle of solar radiations that are reaching towards the Earth and the distance of Sun from the Earth during its orbit. These changes may lead to elevated temperatures or Global Warming.

2: Volcanic Activity:

Volcanic activity includes the burst of Lava from the depth of the Earth on the Earth’s surface through the opening of Volcano. This activity emits a huge amount of Green House Gases and dust particles into the atmosphere. In the case of Explosive eruptions, the Green House Gases are directly enters into the atmosphere causing warming of atmosphere and enhance Heat trapping activity in the atmosphere.

3: Tectonic Shifts:

The tectonic shifts means the rearrangement of tectonic plates due to changes in the Earth’s crust. These shifts have direct influence on the Ocean currents and land formations. These shifts may cause heating of the Environment through Hot and Extreme Ocean Currents and unusual land formations. This creates heat in the depth of the Earth that appears on the surface through different ways.

These are some of the major natural Causes of Global Warming. Humans cannot stop these sources of Global Warming but they can work on their Activities that are harming the Environment. There is no way to control natural Phenomena on the Earth.

4. What are the Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming?

Humans play a significant role in enhancing the Impacts of Global Warming through their activities. We should be aware of the Major Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming to prevent them:

i. Industrial Activities:

Industrial Activities and Industrial Pollution play a very important role in increasing the temperature of the Environment. It is the biggest source of Anthropogenic Green House Gases emissions. It also contributes in increasing the water temperature, to speed up the evaporation process. In this way, the industrial discharge adds into the Environment through evaporation and it eventually elevates the temperature of the nearby areas and cast effects on the World’s Climate and Global Warming.

ii. Transportation:

Every person wants to have his own personal Car, bike or any other fuel-driven vehicle now a days. With this increasing population, the number of vehicles that have Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur based fuels as their driving force are increasing on exponential rates. These vehicles adds Carbon Oxides, NOx and SOX into the atmosphere. These are warming gases and they provide heating effects to the Environment and actively contributes in Global Warming.

iii. Deforestation:

Deforestation is the process of cutting of the trees for Human welfare such as for Urbanization, Construction Projects or Agricultural Activities. The process of deforestation is leading the increased concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the Green House Gas that is found in the most Concentration than any other Green House Gas in the atmosphere. Forests are the natural sinks of CO2, when these are cut, the concentrations CO2 are increased.

iv. Heat-trapping Pollution:

Heat-trapping pollution is the pollution that includes pollutants that traps heat into the atmosphere. The heat-trapping pollutants includes Aerosols, Nitrous Oxide, Dust Particles and Ozone. These pollutants may produce by Anthropogenic and Natural Sources. But most of them are Anthropogenic in nature. These pollutants traps the heat into the atmosphere and do not let the heat radiations to leave the atmosphere. This is a great cause of Global Warming and increase in Earth’s temperature.

These are some of the Anthropogenic Causes of Global Warming. These collectively enhance the effects of Natural Causes of Global Warming and elevates the temperature. This blog contains Causes and Impacts of Global Warming.

5. What are the Impacts of Global Warming on Humans?

Global Warming is not only dangerous for the Environment, but it is also dangerous for Humans and their health. It cause extreme impacts on Humans. Following are the Impacts of Global Warming on Humans:

1) Heat Waves:

The heat waves cause the sick and old people to suffer a lot. The people who cannot afford air conditioners, coolers and other facilities to get rid of the heating effect, are prone to diseases and disorders that occurs because of extreme temperatures. These health conditions include High Fever, Dehydration, Gastro, etc. People are disturbed in their normal routine and get sick very often in the extended periods of Heat waves.

2) Food Insecurity:

Food insecurity is the condition in which available food is not enough for the current population. This condition is very crucial for humans because Food is the fundamental need of Humans. It can cause health issues, leave people undernourished, increase the price of food and much more. Global Warming leads to Desertification, Droughts and decline in yield due to Extreme Temperature. This makes it the reason behind Food Insecurity.

3) Water and Air Quality:

The Global Warming is not only restricted to Atmosphere and Earth Systems. It also contributes in the pollution of Water and Air due to increase in temperature. This can alter the composition of drinkable water due to extreme temperatures and GHGs in the atmosphere. The people then utilize the polluted water and breathe in the contaminated Air and get diseases in return. The diseases from water includes Typhoid, Cholera, etc. and diseases from Air pollution includes Asthma, Pneumonia etc.

4) Infectious Diseases:

Global Warming can give rise to microorganisms and their speedy reproduction due to suitable temperatures for their survival and lifespan. The high temperatures cause them to grow and multiply in order to spread infections among the living organisms. This leads to the spread of different Infectious diseases such as flu, Malaria, etc. These diseases are cause of millions of deaths every year. We can be safe from these diseases by controlling the Global Warming.

These are some of the Impacts of Global Warming on the Humans. We can see visible impacts of extreme heat on the humans and higher mortality rates every year.

6. What are the Impacts of Global Warming on the Environment?

Global Warming is an Environmental problem that is one of the Major effects of Climate Change. The Global Warming process collectively cast many negative impacts on the Environment. These impacts are as follows:

Sea Level Rise:

The most devastating impact of Global Warming on the Environment is the Sea Level Rise. The increasing temperatures are causing Melting of Glaciers in an exponential rates. The water from the glaciers immediately adds into the Sea water and raise the Sea Level. In the last century, the sea level rise is increasing on a high rate and in present situation, the Coastal areas are under threat of floods and getting sub-merged in the Sea. This is alarming for the residents of Coastal Areas.

Ocean Acidification:

As Climate Change, Global Warming is also a big reason behind Ocean Acidification. As we know that Carbon dioxide acts as the major cause of Global Warming and Climate Change. So, it contributes in raising the temperature and pH of the Ocean water. This is extremely destructive for Sensitive Ecosystems and Organisms in the Oceans. It may also destroy the actual composition of the Ocean water and cause acidity and this automatically increase the Ocean’s temperature.

Biodiversity loss:

The process of Global Warming cause the destruction of Biodiversity or Biodiversity Loss at great levels. The high temperatures may transform a fertile land area into Deserted land, it may also lead to Drought in extreme cases. Extreme Heat temperatures may disrupt the lifestyle of the animals and plants and they may die due to dryness. The world is going towards the Desertification at great rates, and many dry areas are facing Droughts in different regions of the world due to Global Warming.

Water Crisis:

Global Warming is also a big reason for facing the Water Crisis. The world is suffering from water scarcity as the freshwater resources are becoming scarce. Global warming is leading to high levels of Evaporations from the Freshwater resources. In this way most of the freshwater is evaporated, some of it is polluted due to pollutants and elevated temperature and some is out of reach. Global Warming also contributes in increase of consumption of Water in populations, this cause Water shortage.

Extreme Weather Patterns:

You should have noticed the extreme Weather Patterns in the last decade. They are increasing with passing time. The biggest reason behind extreme weather patterns are Green House Gases that also cause Global Warming. Excessive warming effect into the atmosphere cause Photochemical Activity to form into the atmosphere. So, we can say that extreme weather patterns also derives by Global Warming and Activities related to it into the atmosphere.

These are some of the Major Impacts of Global Warming on the Environment. This blog contains Causes and Impacts of Global Warming.

Effects of Global Warming

7. Conclusion:

Global Warming is the gradual increase in Global Average Temperature. This Environmental Problem is increasing with passing years. The main Causes of Global Warming includes Green House Gases, Solar Activity, Volcanic Activity, Transportation etc. While main Impacts of Global Warming on Humans are Infectious Diseases, Health effects due to heat waves, Food insecurity etc. The Main Impacts of Global Warming on Environment includes, Sea Level rise, Biodiversity Loss, Ocean Acidification etc.

The Impacts of Global Warming are becoming Extreme with passing years. If we do not act on the Sustainable Approaches towards the Control of Global Warming, it will take us to the Extreme Natural Disasters and Drastic Disturbances in the Earth’s System.

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