This blog contains complete description about Major Impacts of Climate Change. The impacts of Climate Change on Environment includes Global Warming, Extreme Weather Patterns, Risk of Droughts, Biodiversity Loss, Poverty and Displacement, Food Insecurity, Health Effects etc.
1. How does Climate Change Impact the Environment?
Climate Change is the long-term shift of Temperature and Weather Patterns on Earth. It influences many of the Environmental problems to occur and so sometimes it increase their severity. This natural variation disturbs the Natural composition and create imbalance of the Natural components of the Environment. It harms both the Environment and Biodiversity that helps in maintaining the Ecosystems and Environment. Climate Change has very drastic Impacts on the Environment in present era.
In the start of life on Earth, the Climate Change does not exist in human’s mind because it was not a dominant and visible process. It was a very slow process that does not even feel like going, but it did exist in the start of Earth’s era too. As the time passed, the Human’s life filled with Innovation and Industrial Activities, the Climate Change grew stronger and also showed its extreme impacts on the Environment and Human life. This was the time of realization of the existence of Climate Change on Earth.
We are here to discuss the Major Impacts of Climate Change on the Earth and the Environment. This blog contains Complete description of Impacts of Climate Change on Environment.
2. What are the Impacts of Climate Change ?
The impacts of Climate Change on the Environment are becoming intense with passing time. The reason behind is that Modern Development is exploiting our Environment and is making it unhealthy and toxic in composition that is harmful for Biodiversity, Sensitive Ecosystems and Humans. The impacts of Climate Change are the effects or influences that Climate Change has on the Environment and Biodiversity. It will include all the Minor and Major Impacts that are harming life on Earth. Following are the Impacts of Climate Change:
- Global Warming
- Extreme Weather Patterns
- Risk of Droughts
- Biodiversity Loss
- Poverty and Displacement
- Food Insecurity
- Health Effects
- Sea Level Rise
- Habitat Loss
- Water Scarcity
These are some of the Major Impacts of Climate Change. We will discuss each of these points in detail in this blog.

3. What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is the natural phenomena that leads to the increase of average temperature on the Earth. It is a leading Environmental Problem that is driven by Climate Change. Because Climate Change is the reason why Weather and temperature goes on extreme. This situation occurs because of Anthropogenic and Natural Causes of Climate Change. Following are some of Impacts of Global Warming on Earth’s Environment:
- Melting of Glaciers ( Decrease in Earth’s albedo )
- Ocean Acidification
- Heat Waves
- Land Degradation
- Social and Economic Disturbance etc.
Global warming is one of the Major Impacts of Climate Change because it drives many of the Environmental Problems and as we know that it originates from Climate Change. Its impacts are so dangerous for Biodiversity and the Environment and are increasing with passing years.
4. What do you mean by Extreme Weather Patterns?
Extreme Weather Patterns means that the weather conditions becomes either Extreme hot or Extreme cold and it also includes hurricanes, flood, tsunami and other Natural Disasters. These Extreme Weather patterns increase the Photochemical Activity in the sky and lead to Heavy Rainfall, Lightening and Storm of extreme levels. These weather events harm the Natural Composition of the Environment and they are triggered by certain harmful Air Pollutants. Weathers are controlled by Climate Change.
Extreme Weather Patterns may add many harmful gases and pollutants into the atmosphere. These are so harmful for the Biodiversity and the Environment. They are responsible for the abrupt changes in the atmosphere that changes the natural composition of the Air and cause Air Pollution. In the same way the extreme rainfall may lead to Floods and Water Pollution on Earth. This is one of the Major Impact of Climate Change.
5. What do you know about Risk of Drought?
Drought is the condition in which all the food and water is finished and the humans have no food and water to consume. This can be due to Desertification, Water shortage, over population, and Over-exploitation of Food and Water resources. Climate Change is leading to the condition of drought in different parts of the World. The main reason behind it is that the already hot and dry regions and becoming hotter due to Climate Change.
The areas are becoming dry and infertile and the evaporation rates are increasing that leads to Water shortage and Water Scarcity in those areas. In the same way, rapid soil erosion is washing away all the nutrients from the soil and making the fertile land Deserted in an exponential rate. This is the reason why the risk of Drought are increasing throughout the world. To avoid this risk, we should control the extreme Impacts of Climate Change.
6. What is Biodiversity Loss?
Biodiversity includes all varieties of life on Earth. These includes all the living Ecosystems and every type of life present n the Earth. It starts from the heights of the atmosphere and ends in the depth of the ocean. All the biodiversity is spread in the range of Biosphere. Climate Change is the biggest Cause of Biodiversity loss. The main reason behind it is Extreme Weather Patterns and also Extreme Climatic Conditions. Biodiversity loss is increasing with passing time rapidly.
Biodiversity loss can occur as a result of Desertification, Deforestation, Ocean Acidification and other Natural and Artificial processes. Sometimes the removal of nutrients due to natural hazards like Floods, Soil Erosion etc. can also become a cause of Biodiversity loss in certain areas. This loss can be in the form of Death of the animals, destruction of valuable species of plants, and Wildfires.
7. What do you about Poverty and Displacement?
Poverty is the condition in which a person is not able to fulfil his fundamental needs with his own income. A big part of World’s Population is facing poverty because of lack of Resources and Financial Crisis. Climate Change is directly linked by Poverty, it is because Climate Change takes away the fundamental resources by extreme weather and dryness in the area. It can lead to Food insecurity, Heat waves, and many other such factors that effect the Economic Conditions of the Population.
When an area is highly impacted by the Climate Change and its resources starts becoming scarce, then people face poverty because of less jobs and less agricultural activities to take part in. This condition forces people to practice Displacement towards the suitable areas, where they take time to settle and get work. This also cause their financial loss in their search for work. This condition cause Economic Instability on the Earth.
8. What do you know about Food Insecurity?
Food insecurity is the amount of food that is not enough for the present population of an area. Food is the basic need for Biodiversity. We cannot exist without food. The condition of Food insecurity leads to many Economic and Health Disadvantages in many ways. The people with unsuitable financial status does not get the food and become Undernourished. Poverty increases because the rates of the available food resources are high.
Climate Change is a big sources of Food insecurity. As we have discussed earlier, the Removal of Nutrients by Soil Erosion, Desertification, Floods and other Natural disasters makes fertile soil barren and the food production is declined. Many areas are destroyed by storms, floods, Earthquakes and other such Environmental Problems. This leads to the high level of Food Insecurity.
9. What are the Health Effects caused by Climate Change?
The extreme climate such as Heat waves, Extreme cold, Smog, Water Pollution and Air Pollution leads to many health effects on Humans and Animals on Earth. Especially humans are most effected while living in the cities that are extremely polluted and lack Tree cover. Following are the Health Effects caused by Climate Change:
Health Conditions Caused by Air Pollution:
- Asthma
- Tuberculosis
- Lung Cancer
- Other Respiratory Disorders etc.
Diseases Caused by Water Pollution:
- Cholera
- Typhoid
- Food Poisoning etc.
Health Conditions Caused by Heat Waves:
In this way, changes in Climatic Conditions may lead to Health Conditions and Disorders and also they may even lead to Death of the people living in Extreme Environments.
10. What do you know about Sea Level rise?
Sea level rise is the rise in Sea Level due to different Geological and Environmental Factors on Earth. It is a big Environmental Problem of the present time. As we know that the Global warming is increasing and it is melting away the Glaciers with Exponential Rates. These Glaciers after melting adds water into the Sea elevating or rising its level. This problem can be because of unexpected heavy rains, geological distribution of water and Melting of Glaciers. This is all because of Climate Change.
Sea level rise is a big Environmental Hazard on Earth. As the coastal areas are under threat of drowning into the sea and so their resources may be washed away with the sea water. This sea level rise may cause a high level of Biodiversity loss as in the Coastal Areas. This phenomena was negligible in the last century but it has become very fast till dangerous level in the last few decades due to Climate Change.
11. What do you know about Habitat Loss?
Habitat is a place or the Environment in which an organisms lives and reproduce. Habitat is a very important part of life of Living organism because it provide space, food, shelter and water to the living organism and helps them to survive in the Environment. Many Climatic events leads to the Habitat loss for many species of Biodiversity. It can be in the form of Wildfires, Desertification, Wetland Destruction and also Nutrient loss from different places on Earth.
These extreme conditions takes place due to Climate Change. Because such phenomena occurs because of heat waves, dry land, deserted land and abandonment of the forests due to extreme weather events and high temperature. Many of the animals and plants die due to the Habitat loss and this creates imbalance of the nutrients into the Environment.
12. What is meant by Water Scarcity?
Water scarcity is the lack of fresh water resources to meet the standard water demand. This is basically the deficiency of water in a region. Many countries of the world are facing water scarcity due to over-exploitation of water, Lack of conservation practices and destruction and pollution in the Water resources. Another natural reason for water scarcity is Climate Change. This leads to the extreme situations that results in water scarcity. Following are the reasons that why Climate Change leads to Water Scarcity:
- Extreme heat makes the area dry and increase the consumption of Water, this may lead to Water Scarcity
- Extreme temperature can cause the Dryness of Water resources and also cause water scarcity.
- In dry areas, more water is needed to irrigate the land, this leads to over consumption of Water and water resources.
- Water Pollution due to Natural Disaster may lead to Scarcity of fresh water and makes the water not able to be consumed.
These are the reasons by which Water Scarcity can be caused by Climate Change. To avoid such Environmental Problems, we should control the Causes and Impacts of Climate Change.

13. Conclusion:
The impacts of Climate Change are the effects that it cast on Biodiversity and the Environment on Earth. The Climate Change impacts are becoming extreme from last few decades because of increase in the intensity of Climate Change through passing years. The major Impacts of Climate Change includes Global Warming, Extreme Weather Patterns, Risk of Droughts, Biodiversity Loss, Poverty and Displacement, Food Insecurity, Health Effects, Sea Level Rise, Habitat Loss and Water Scarcity.
All these impacts are causing destruction of Biodiversity and also worst impacts on the Human and Environment. To control all these impacts we should practice Sustainable Ways to Fight Climate Change. By sustainable living we can overcome the extreme impacts of Climate Change. Otherwise these impacts will become more extreme with passing time.
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