This blog contains complete information about Threats to Wildlife and Importance of Wildlife. This also contains the explanation of Kinds of Wildlife and the Effects of Destruction of Wildlife on Earth’ Systems. To conserve nature, we need to conserve Wildlife.
1. What do you know about Wildlife?
Wildlife is the term that represents the animals and plant species that are undomesticated and live in wild with out any interference of Humans. We can call wild plants and animals as Wildlife.
The Wildlife constitutes a wide range of species of Plants and Animals that lives in Wild Areas. Wild Areas refers as the areas which have Earth’s Natural Environment without any modification by Human Activities or by any other means. This area is away from human activities and if these activities effect it in any way, its environment turns into Artificial Environment. Then that area is not considered as Wild Area. The species of Plants, Animals and other Biodiversity present in the Wild Area is the Wildlife.
Wild areas and Wildlife play a significant role in maintaining the Natural Environment on Earth. There are many reasons why wildlife and wild areas are important for life on Earth. It is obvious that every area that becomes prone to Human Activities, loses its Natural Effect and becomes a target to Pollution and also other Environmental Hazards that are most of the time Anthropogenic in Nature. We will discuss Importance of Wildlife and Threats to Wildlife in this Blog.
2. What is the Importance of Wildlife in Environment?
Wildlife has been very important in maintaining the Natural Earth’s Environment because it takes care of the Natural Ecosystems and is away from Artificial Systems that are set by Humans on Earth. Following are some Important roles of Wildlife or Wild Biodiversity in Environment:
i. Ecological Balance:
The Wildlife and Wild areas conserves and maintains the Natural Ecological balance of the Earth by recycling and restoring Natural resources. It works are a refuel for the Nature. Anthropogenic Activities damages the Natural Systems and wildlife restores and so maintains them in return. This is the reason Conservation of Wild Areas and Wildlife is very important to Save the Earth.
ii. Habitat for Species:
Wild areas and Wild life are the biggest source of Habitat construction and Habitat Availability for most of the valuable species of Plants and Animals on Earth. In the shortage of Wild Areas, the Animals and Plants are exposed to Environmental and Physical Hazards in the Environment. While the Wild Areas and Wild life provides them shelter and protection against all types of Hazards in the Environment.
iii. Nutritional Source:
Wildlife facilitates us by providing vast variety of food, medicines, useful chemicals, natural and organic products and much more. They contribute a lot in Health and Nutrition sector. Because these species grows in completely Natural Environments so they are healthy and nutritional for us. They are a source of Nutrition in many ways and provide us healthy food, medicines, supplements etc.
iv. Economic Benefits:
Wildlife also contributes in providing different type of Economic Benefits that help people to earn money and helps in development. It provides us wood and other types of construction materials. We also make furniture, accessories, organic products, pharmaceuticals etc. from the wildlife species and their derivatives. Most of the Industrial Sector relies on the Forest Resources for their income.
v. Reduce Climate Change:
As the wildlife and wild areas are filled with Nature and Natural constituents of the Environment, so they are great fighters of Climate Change. The trees in the wild areas clean the air from Air Pollutants and remove CO2 from the Environment. In return it adds Oxygen to the Environment. This cast a Cooling Effect on the Earth and it helps in fighting with the Impacts of Climate Change by reducing them.
These are the points showing Importance of Wildlife in the Environment. This blog contains Threats and Importance of Wildlife in detail.

3. What are main Kinds of Wildlife?
Wildlife contains a vast range of species of Flora and Fauna. It contains many animals and plants of different shapes, sizes and appearance. The main kinds of Wildlife are explained below:
1) Wild Animals:
The wild animals are the animals that belongs to Wildlife and live in wild Areas. These Wild Areas can be deserts, forests and also other natural ecosystems. These animals are brought up in most natural environments and are not dependent on the Artificial Ecosystems or Humans. They get the space, food, water, shelter and protection from the Wild Plants and Wild Areas.
2) Wild Plants:
Same as Wild Animals, Wild Plants also grow in Natural Ecosystems called the Wild areas. They also do not depend upon any external help of Humans and any facility to grow, develop and survive. These Plants and Trees are a significant source of Habitat Formation for the Wild animals and other such species. They are also a source of food for humans, animals and other forms of Biodiversity.
3) Wild-type Microorganisms:
These are the microorganisms that grow naturally in the Wild Areas and Natural ecosystems, they are a part of many Natural Processes going on the Earth. These only restricts to the Wild Areas, and so other ecosystem does not contains these types of Microorganisms. They have a specialization of degradation of organic matter and return the nutrients back to the Environment safely.
4) Other Varieties:
Wild Areas are hub of varieties of species of Animals and Plants. The wildlife includes Mammals, Birds, Insects, Amphibians, Reptiles, and many other rare and valuable animals. The safety of these animals does not require any specific concerns, but the only concern need to make them survive is to Conserve Wild Areas and Wild Ecosystem. Because nature have designed them to be in the wild and survive.
These are some main kinds of Wildlife on Earth. This blog is all about Importance and Threats to Wildlife in detail.
4. What are the Threats to Wildlife?
As wildlife is very important in the Environment and it is also a very sensitive Ecosystem as a whole. Many natural and Anthropogenic threats effect negatively on the Wildlife. Following are the Threats to the Protection of Wildlife:
I) Deforestation:
Deforestation is one of the biggest threat to Wildlife. This is a process of cutting down the trees for the welfare of Human beings either for Urbanization, Economic growth or any Industrial process. The trees are the major habitats of most of the wildlife. When the trees are cut for any purpose, the Wild animals are left homeless. Not only animals but the tiny plants that relies on the trees also face Environmental Hazards and most of them die. The animals becomes shelter less and eventually migrate or die.
II) Wildfires:
Wildfire is a natural phenomena in which uncontrollable fire attack the forest and destroy the whole Biodiversity within days or weeks. This is the reaction of Heat waves, Extreme Temperatures or Lightening. Wildfires burns the trees and animals with its uncontrollable speed that is passed through one end of the forest to the other. The wildfires are threat to Wildlife because they burn all the Biodiversity, Destroy Habitats of Wildlife and can damage a complete forest in a short time.
III) Land-use Change:
Land-use change refers to the Anthropogenic process of changing the use of land for purposes other than its use before. This process is destroying Biodiversity and Wildlife at a great level. Land-use change takes away Natural Ability or role of the soil for which it is naturally replenished. Most of the time the Wild areas and Forests are converted into Agricultural Land for meeting the need of Food for growing population. Land-use change decrease the fertility of the land and wild areas got effected.
IV) Climate Change:
One of the Natural reasons of Wildlife destruction is Climate Change. The climate change is becoming worse with passing years. Climate Change is the reason of extreme weather events on Earth. It can be due to accumulation of reactive gases into the atmosphere. These weather patterns may lead to Storm, Lightening, Wildfires, Tsunami and also many such Natural Disasters that can destroy the whole Biodiversity of Wild Areas or Wildlife. It is a great threat for the safety of Wildlife on Earth.
V) Human-wildlife Conflicts:
Human-wildlife conflict means the negative human and wildlife interactions in the Environment. Wild Animals are always aggressive and hungry. When they interact with humans, they may cause injuries, damage or death of humans. In the same way animals also face disturbance because of Humans. They face Human-wildlife conflicts in ways that, humans catch them and shift them in zoo, National Parks and also other suitable locations that throw them away from their Natural Habitat.
These are some of the Threats to Wildlife. This blog is all about Importance and Threats to Wildlife in detail.
5. What are the Effects of Wildlife Destruction on the Nature?
Wildlife is a Biodiversity hub that contains millions of species of rare and valuable plants and animals. These species are not only valuable for the Wild areas but also the Earth’s system and Natural Processes going on the Earth. So the Destruction of Wildlife is equally dangerous for the Nature, Natural Environment, Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the Earth. Following are some of the Effects of Wildlife destruction:
1: Biodiversity Loss:
Wildlife spreads over large geographical areas and contains a large number of species. Other than wildlife, many species from other Ecosystems and Environments also gets shelter in the wild areas among wildlife. Destruction of wildlife is a big reason behind Biodiversity loss. Because if we deforest a land all the species from that area will wipe out in search of other places to live. Many of the sensitive living organisms, die in search of new home and many of them are hurt or harmed by Environmental or Physical Disasters because of Lack of Shelter and Protection.
2: Habitat Destruction:
Habitat is a place or Environment in which an organism lives most of his life. It play a great role in the development and survival of the species. A habitat provide space, water, food and shelter to the organisms living there. Wild life and Wild Areas are best Habitats for animals, birds, insects, plants and many other diverse variety or organisms and living systems. Destruction of Wildlife is equal to the Habitat Destruction for Living Organisms because it takes away the natural and healthy Habitats from the organisms that lives in the Wild areas. Deforestation, Wildfires, and Climate Change are main reasons.
3: Extinction and Endangerment:
Wildlife is a Biodiversity hub as it is a home to many rare and valuable plants and animals in the World. The destruction of wildlife is also the destruction of species in the Wild Areas. The food, shelter, water, space and protection is vanished from their lives and they can be dead and prone to different Hazards and Disasters being in the open Environment. They are forced to live in Artificial Environments with Pollution and also Contamination that they are not habitual of. These things disturb their health and existence and read to the Extinction and Endangerment of the Species and we lost many of them.
4. Fragmentation:
Fragmentation is the process of breaking of a Habitat that covers a large geographical area, broken into small habitats. This really effects the natural Environment of the Habitats and cause disturbance in Lifestyle of the animals and also other Biodiversity of that specific Geographical Area. The destruction of wildlife sometimes breaks a large wild area into small pieces or fragments. This really effects the breeding of the animals, restricts Biodiversity and cause harm to the living organisms. Fragmentation is a reason of destruction of Habitat and it also disturbs the Natural Environments and Ecosystems.
These are some of the Effects of Wildlife Destruction on the Environment. This blog is all about Importance and Threats to Wildlife.

6. Conclusion:
Wildlife is an essential part of our Natural Environment and Natural Ecosystems. It provides us many benefits and is important in every way. Anthropogenic and Natural destructive Activities have always destroyed Wildlife from decades. This destruction has lead to many bad effects on the Earth’s Environment, Climate Change and Ecosystems. Wildlife faces many threats due to Anthropogenic and Natural Disasters, these include; Wildfires, Deforestation, Land-use change etc. Destruction of Wildlife also cause many disturbances in the Natural Ecosystems including; Biodiversity Loss, Fragmentation and Habitat Destruction etc. In order to maintain the Earth, we should Conserve and Protect the Wildlife with proper plans and Sustainable Strategies. This blog is all about Importance and Threats to Wildlife.
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