This blog is all about Significance of Greenhouse Effect in Climate Change. It also contains information about Main Green House Gases and their roles in Warming the Earth. This also elaborates the Anthropogenic Activities and Impacts of Excessive Greenhouse Effect on the Environment.
1. What is Greenhouse Effect?
Greenhouse Effect is the process of trapping heat within the Earth’s atmosphere near the Earth surface through substances called Green House Gases.
Greenhouse Effect is a very important Natural process that is performed by the Earth in order to keep the Earth warm and fit for survival of Biodiversity. It is responsible for many climatic conditions and atmospheric compositions of the Earth. As we all know that Earth is the only planet that is best for living in the whole Milky Way Galaxy. It is because other planets are either extremely hot or extremely cold in nature and temperature. This depends on their distance from the sun. But in the case of Earth, the distance between Earth and the Sun is perfect for survival of Living organisms and Living Systems associated with Biodiversity.
Greenhouse effect is one of the major reasons why Earth is fit for life. As we know that life need warmth and energy to survive and exist. The process of Greenhouse Effect traps all the warming gases near the Earth’s surface and keep the Earth warm. Although Greenhouse Effect is very important for survival of life but on the other hand excessive Greenhouse Effect can cause Excessive heat and Climate Change at great Extent. It can be a great danger in the extreme conditions and cause great damages to the Environment. This blog is all about Significance of Greenhouse Effect in Climate Change.
2. How is Greenhouse Effect Dangerous for the Environment?
As we already know that, Greenhouse Effect is driven by Green House Gases. The Natural Concentrations of Green House Gases were best for the Earth. But unfortunately, Anthropogenic Activities added Hundred times more Green House Gases into the atmosphere. The Greenhouse Effect traps all of them near the Earth surface and their excessive concentration leads to the severe Environmental Problems or Crisis and can also lead to Extreme Impacts of Climate Change and even Natural Disasters on Earth. These extreme conditions can be very toxic and harmful for the Environment and the Biodiversity living in it. This depicts that Natural Greenhouse Effect is beneficial for the Environment and Biodiversity, but the Anthropogenic Addition of Greenhouse Gases makes it harmful for the Environmental Conditions and results in Climate Change. We will learn about the Significance of Greenhouse Effect in Climate Change.

3. What are the Main Green House Gases causing Green House Effect?
There are ten Green House Gases that contributes in Greenhouse Effect. All of them have different warming potentials that leads to Global Warming in different forms and different extents. Following are the Main Greenhouse Gases that are the reason behind Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect:
1) Carbon Dioxide CO2:
It is a primary Green House Gas, most of the concentration of which is because of Anthropogenic Activities. Its concentrations has increased with a significant ratio after the Industrial Era. It is because industrial activities emits huge concentrations of Carbon dioxide as compared to the Natural emissions of CO2. The concentration of CO2 is the cause of most of the Global warming on the Earth. It enhances the Impacts of Greenhouse Effect and heats up the atmosphere with this warming gas. Carbon dioxide is also a Major Air Pollutant that is harmful for humans and other Biodiversity forms. It is absorbed by the Oceans and Trees Naturally. But because of excessive concentrations of CO2, the trees and Oceans are unable to absorb CO2 from the Environment and it continues to warm the Earth.
Control Measures for CO2:
- Plantation
- Reduce Carbon Footprint
- Reduce Fossil Fuel Burning etc.
2) Methane CH4:
Methane is produced by number of ways such as action of anaerobic bacteria on vegetation, decomposition of organic matter, incomplete combustion of vegetation, natural gas pipeline leaks and petroleum oil etc. It is rising 2% approximately every year. It absorbs 20 – 25% times more heat than CO2. In addition to acting as a greenhouse gas, methane has significant effects upon atmospheric chemistry. It produces atmospheric CO as an intermediate oxidation product and influences concentrations of atmospheric hydroxyl radicals and ozone. In the stratosphere, it produces hydrogen and H2O, but acts to remove ozone destroying chlorine. It is 28 to 87 times more efficient in heat trapping than CO2. It is also responsible for Climate Change to some extent.
Control Measures for Methane:
- Do not let old livestock live
- Waste reduction to avoid Landfill emissions
- Reduce Agricultural Emissions etc.
3) Chlorofluorocarbon CFCs:
CFCs or Chlorofluorocarbons are purely Anthropogenic Green House Gas that is present on the Earth. The main sources of CFCs include Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Evaporation of Industrial Solvents, Production of Plastic foams, Aerosols etc. All the sources of CFC emissions are Anthropogenic and it is not naturally present in the atmosphere. CFCs are the biggest source of Ozone Depletion. CFCs traps 20,000 times more heat than CO2 and it is responsible for 14-24% of the Global Warming. So, it plays a significant role in Climatic Activities by warming the Earth’s surface and altering the Atmospheric composition in order to cause Extreme Weather events.
Control Measures of CFCs:
- Use Air conditioners efficiently
- Use sustainable ways to save food to avoid refrigeration. etc.
4) Ozone O3:
Ozone in the stratosphere works are a shield to stop harmful radiations of sun to reach Earth’s Surface. But if the ozone is produced on the Earth’s surface, it is a major Air Pollutant for the Environment. It is extremely heat trapping gas. The Ozone is produced when a single Oxygen O2 is combined with a single oxygen atom making it O3. It also emits by Anthropogenic Activities such as Transportation, Power Plants, Industrial Boilers, paints, cleaners, fuels etc. Ozone is an irritant to eyes and respiratory system even in small concentration in the Environment. Just like Stratospheric Ozone, the ground-level ozone also traps infrared radiations emitted from the Earth’s surface. In this way it is a very efficient warming gas that contributes in Global Warming and Climate Change.
Control Measures of Ozone:
- Promote Eco-friendly Products
- Avoid Synthetic Fertilizers and Pesticides
- Drive Smart etc.
5) Nitrous Oxide N2O:
Nylon products emits Nitrous Oxide NO by burning of Biomass and fuels. It is also known as Laughing gas. This is a Green House Gas that traps a lot of heat and makes the Environment warm. It is responsible for 6% of the Global Warming on Earth. Nitrous Oxide N2O has a heating potential 250 times greater than the heating potential of CO2. It is not only the warming gas, it is also a Major Air Pollutant that also contributes in the Ozone Depletion. The concentration of Nitrous oxide is increasing 0.3% annually. It is naturally emitted by Oceans, freshwater systems, and Anthropogenically emitted by Biomass burning, fossil fuel combustion, fertilizers etc. It is also a significant Green House gas that takes a part in Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change.
Control Measures of N2O:
- Restrict the use of Fertilizers
- Use Renewable Energy instead of Fossil Fuel combustion
- Prefer Walking and Bicycling
These are some important and Main Green House Gases that contributes in most of the Global Warming on Earth. We should be aware about their sources and we should try to avoid their production and emission in order to control Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect.
4. What are the Anthropogenic Activities that Contributes in Green House Gases emissions?
Following are some of the Anthropogenic Activities that contributes in Green House Gases Emissions:
i. Transportation:
Transportation is a significant reason of GHGs emissions because with the increase in Population, every single person is having their own personal vehicle to travel. This is increasing the emissions every year. We should prefer public transport or walking instead of personal transport.
ii. Industrial Activities:
Industrial Activities are the biggest contributor in the emission of Green House Gases. Burning of Fossil Fuels are the common activity in the industries. Its burning emits CO2, NOx and SOX in the air. We should switch to Renewable Energy sources to prevent GHGs emissions.
iii. Agricultural Emissions:
Synthetic fertilizers contains Nitrogen and Sulfur contents. So, they are big contributors Green House Gases through evaporation. Due to Intensive Farming these emissions are increasing every year. We should promote Organic Farming Practices to control GHGs.
iv. Deforestation:
Deforestation contributes in the excessive concentrations of GHGs in a way that, Trees cleanse the air and remove all the Air Pollutants from the Environment. When they are cut, GHGs persists in air. We should apply Reforestation and Afforestation to avoid Air Pollution.
v. Waste Production:
Due to high Population Growth, there is a high Waste production on the Earth. This wastes fill up the landfills and lead to the emissions of toxic GHGs into the atmosphere. We should apply 4R Strategy.
vi. Livestock raising:
Raising livestock is common in the rural areas of most of regions. These animals are a significant contributors of Methane into the Environment. It emits methane in great concentration. We should not keep the old livestock because as old as the animal, it emits more methane.
These are some of the Major Anthropogenic Activities that contributes in the production of GHGs and eventually contributes in the Greenhouse Effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. This blog is all about Significance of Greenhouse Effect in Climate Change.
5. What are the Environmental Impacts of Enhanced Green House Effect?
Greenhouse Effect is essential for life on Earth. But if it gets excessive in the extent, it can be a real Environmental danger for the Earth. We are facing many extreme Impacts of enhanced Green House Effect in the present era. Following are some Environmental Impacts of excessive Green House Effect:
Sea Level Rise:
Excessive concentration of Green house gases triggers the warming potential of Greenhouse Effect. This results in extreme heating on the surface of the Earth. This leads to Melting of Glaciers because of high temperature, that adds water to the sea raising its level. This phenomena is known as Sea Level Rise. This Environmental Problem is a great danger for the coastal resources and populations because of risks of Floods.
Extreme Weather Events:
The excessive concentrations of hazardous gases and toxic Air Pollutants, cause Extreme Photochemical reactions into the atmosphere that leads to Extreme Weather Events. These Extreme Weather Events includes Hail Storm, Heavy Rainfall, Smog, Tsunami, Hurricanes etc. Sometimes these extreme weather events cause great Natural Disasters on the Earth. All of these Climatic Impacts are because of Excessive concentrations of GHGs.
Health Impacts:
Changing conditions of Climate and temperature leads to the severe health impacts on the humans and Biodiversity on Earth. These changings can be Extreme Heat Waves, Extended Rainfall periods, Freezing temperatures and much more. These changes can cause changing in living systems and living organisms and may result in infections, heart diseases, Gastrointestinal Diseases and many such other health impacts on the Biodiversity.
These are few major Impacts of Enhanced Greenhouse Effect on the Environment. We should be aware of the Activities that cause GHG emissions and work on their control, in order to protect our Environment and make it healthier. This blog is all about Significance of Greenhouse Effect in Climate Change.

6. Conclusion:
Greenhouse Effect is a natural system of heating the Earth by trapping heat through Green House Gases. This natural process of warming is the reason why Earth is the best planet for the living organisms in the whole Milky Way Galaxy. The main Greenhouse Gases includes CO2, N2O, O3, CH4 and CFCs. The Anthropogenic Activities that contributes in GHG emissions are Industrial Activities, Transportation, Waste Production, Livestock etc. The Environment and Humans face Extreme Environmental Impacts of Excessive Greenhouse Effect. These Impacts can be controlled by working on the direct or indirect sources of Greenhouse Gases and implementation of Sustainable Strategies in order to control their Emissions on Global level.
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