This blog contains Characteristics, Types and Impacts of Hazardous Waste. It also has the information of Hazard and Types of Hazards also the Impacts of Hazardous Waste on Environment and Human Health.
What is a Hazard?
A hazard is a source of any harm, danger or risk. It can be any component of the Environment that can harm you in certain conditions. It is basically a chance of getting hurt by something around you.
When we work in the Environment, we can get hurt by different materials, substances, activities or conditions going on around us. The components of the Environment by which we have a risk of getting hurt is included in Hazard. There are three Types of Hazards that can possibly occur. Following is the detail of types of Hazards:
Health Hazards:
Health hazards are the hazards in which any component of the Environment have a chance to cause harm to your health. Occupational Diseases through toxic substances, fumes and Environment are health hazards for any worker in a workplace.
Environmental Hazards:
Environmental hazards refers to the hazards from that we get harmed by the Environment. It can be in the form of faults in the infrastructure, Natural Disasters and also all the naturally occurring conditions and activities within the Environment.
Situational Hazards:
Situational Hazards are the hazards in which a specific situation becomes a hazard for an instance. These hazards occurs due to intense situations such as Busy Traffic, Crowd, Gas leak and so other such situations that converts into a hazard for us.
These are the types of hazards that can occur in life. These hazards are always harming other biotic and abiotic components of the Environment either at minor level or major level. In this blog we will discuss the Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous Waste.
What does the word Hazardous mean?
The word hazardous refers to any material, substance, activity or condition that is dangerous and posses a risk of harm. It is anything that is full of danger or peril.
The word Hazardous comes from the work “Hazard”. We are exposed to many toxic and dangerous things around us. The word to describe something full of danger and risk is referred to as Hazardous. It can be any thing, material, substance, activity or condition that can harm us. There are many hazardous chemicals, materials, disasters and also many other things that have hazardous nature. We can say that anything that harms us at great extent when in contact with us, is a hazardous thing for us.
Hazardous materials can be everywhere in the wastes and hazardous wastes are extremely harmful for the health of Soil, Biodiversity, Humans and Environment. This blog contains information about Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous Waste.
What is Hazardous Waste?
Hazardous wastes includes all the wastes that possesses the properties that makes them harmful for the Human health and Environment. These wastes needs proper handling and disposing to avoid extreme impacts of these wastes.
These are extremely toxic wastes that are present into the Environment. Hazardous wastes should not be exposed to Humans, Environment or Biodiversity, because it harms each one of them very intensely. These wastes are a serious threat to the Environment and also Environmental Conditions. When they are open in the Environment, they cause multiple Health Hazards for the living organisms around them or living in the same Environment. It can cause chronic health conditions or deaths by just exposing to living organisms. Proper measures and handling techniques are needed to manage Hazardous wastes to avoid excessive damage.
This blog contains information about Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous Wastes. This will be a complete description of how Hazardous Wastes effects Humans and Environment.
What are the Characteristics of Hazardous Wastes?
Hazardous wastes are toxic for Human health and Environment because of its toxic characteristics or properties that makes it hazardous. These characteristics are very important to understand while handling and also being exposed to Hazardous Wastes. Following are some Characteristics of Hazardous Waste:
i. Ignitability:
Ignitability is the ability of a substance that can burn even at slightly higher temperature. These substances are referred to as flammable materials. The Hazardous wastes have the flashpoint of less than 140°F. These materials can easily ignite in the Environment.
ii. Corrosivity:
Corrosive substances and materials are those, that can react with substances or materials and can make them decompose and rust. This property makes it a lot dangerous than other wastes. It can cause injury in eyes, skin and also respiratory system even in short term contact.
iii. Reactivity:
Reactivity is the ability to react with surfaces, materials and substances for causing any damage. The reactive property can enhance the damaging factor of the waste. It can damage or decompose other materials very quickly. This is a toxic property of Hazardous Wastes.
iv. Toxicity:
Toxicity is the characteristic that harms a living system when absorbed or ingested into the living organism. This property is the reason why Hazardous wastes are health hazards for living organisms. These wastes can cause Chronic Health Conditions and also allergies to living systems.
These are the few main Characteristics of Hazardous Wastes. These properties shows the reasons why they are extremely dangerous for the Environment and Human Health. This blog is all about Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous waste.
What are the Main Types of Hazardous Wastes?
Hazardous wastes can be of different types and extents. These can cause different types of damages to Human Health and Environment. Following are the Main Types of Hazardous Wastes:
1. Electronic Wastes:
The Electronic wastes are one of the important types of Hazardous wastes. They contains many toxic substances such as metal, steel, plastic, aluminum and many more hazardous materials. These wastes are persistent and cause damage to the Health and Environment for a long time. There should be proper management of Electronic wastes to avoid extreme damages to the Environment and also Human health. We should be aware of precautionary measures for damages of Electronic wastes.
2. Biological Wastes:
Biological wastes includes all the wastes from the Medical Sector such as needles, surgical instruments and laboratory animal waste etc. These wastes contains infectious characteristics and can be a significant reason of spreading diseases and chronic health conditions in Biodiversity. The Medical Waste Management should not be taken as granted and it should be disposed out away from the reach of Humans and Biodiversity in the Environment.
3. Industrial Wastes:
Industries includes the activities such as manufacturing, processing, transportation, supply and disposal of goods and products. The industrial wastes are the leftover material after the Manufacturing or processing of goods and also products. These can be in the form of toxic substances, chemicals, poisonous fumes and toxic Air Pollutants etc. These wastes are also considered as Hazardous Wastes as they damage the Human Health and Environment for a long time.
4. Chemical Waste:
Chemicals can be synthetic or naturally occurring. Chemical waste is the release of unwanted, excess or unused chemical that is thrown out into the open Environment. These wastes are extremely dangerous for human health and Environment. Chemical wastes can destroy vegetation, cause number of diseases and also cause death of Biodiversity in nature. The release of chemical wastes into the open Environment should be prohibited to avoid extreme damages to the Environment.
5. Pharmaceutical Waste:
Pharmaceutical industry is the industry that works for the manufacture of medicine, sales of medicines and use of medication in proper way. The wastes from pharmaceutical industries, is called as Pharmaceutical waste. This can be in the form of chemical waste, expired drugs, damaged drugs and in many other forms. If these drugs become a part of waste, they spread diseases and disorders in the humans and other living organisms and are also dangerous for the soil and Environment.
6. Household Hazardous Waste:
We use thousands of products in our daily routine in our household routine. They can be batteries, paints, cleaning supplies and automotive fluids etc. All of these are toxic for human health and environment. When they are added into the wastes after being used, they can cause the release of chemicals, fluids and other harmful substances. These releases are dangerous for human health and also the Environment. We must be careful about Household wastes.
7. Radioactive Waste:
Radioactive materials are those materials that emits radiations when exposed to the Environment or when used in any process or manufacture. When these substances are wasted after being used, they can be extremely dangerous for the Environment and they also may cause Environmental Degradation at great extents. These are equally dangerous for the human health when exposed to humans in the Environment. There should be proper measures for the disposal of Radioactive wastes.
8. Asbestos:
Asbestos is a naturally occurring toxic, carcinogenic minerals that are fibrous in nature. It is widely used in construction processes as it is heat resistant, electricity resistant and also corrosion resistant in nature. It is a great cause of Cancer in Humans and Biodiversity. This also cause respiratory disorders when inhaled even for a short time. We should avoid the use of such materials in construction processes and also promote Sustainable Construction practices.
9. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):
Persistent Organic Pollutants can be natural or synthetic in nature and they also persist in the Environment for a long time. These pollutants comes from the soil, water or environment because they are organic in nature. POPs are extremely harmful for the Environment and Human Health. These can cause damage persistently, accumulate in living organisms and also cause a huge variety of Health conditions in living organisms. These include DDT and PCBs.
10. Heavy Metals:
Heavy metals are naturally occurring minerals that we mine from the Earth. It includes elements like Mercury, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium etc. We use many the metallic goods and products in our daily life. When these metals converts into wastes, they adds into our food chain, soil, vegetation and also when we eat them, they cause chronic health conditions in our body. These can accumulate in our organs and so disturb their normal functioning.
These are some of the Types of Hazardous wastes. All of these have different types of extreme impacts on the Environment and also Human Health. This blog contains Characteristics and Types of Hazardous Waste.
What are the Impacts of Hazardous waste on the Environment?
Hazardous wastes have harmful impacts on the Environment. These wastes are extremely dangerous when left in the open Environment. Following are some impacts of Hazardous wastes on the Environment:
Soil Contamination:
The land area that occupies with the Hazardous wastes, is extremely contaminated by the hazardous chemicals and substances. These substances makes the soil poisonous and damage Biodiversity.
Land Degradation:
It is a significant reason of land degradation and also leads to Desertification. This land degradation is permanent degradation and have long term impacts on the productivity and fertility of the soil.
Climate Change:
As we already know that Hazardous wastes are highly flammable and also corrosive in nature. They can be a significant reason of enhancing Anthropogenic Causes of Climate Change by warming effects.
Air Pollution:
Many hazardous wastes release into the Environment in the form of gaseous pollutants. These pollutants accumulate into the air and also contributes in Air Pollution through Industries and Landfills.
These are some of the Impacts of Hazardous Wastes on Environment. This blog contains Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous waste.
What are the Impacts of Hazardous Waste on Human Health?
Following are some of the Impacts of Hazardous waste on Human Health:
Irritation and Allergy:
Hazardous wastes can easily cause Irritation in eyes, nose and also skin. These can also be a cause of severe Allergy even with a short term exposure with hazardous wastes. They are extremely toxic for allergic people.
Reproductive Impairment:
Reproductive impairment is disturbance in the processing of reproductive system of humans. Hazardous wastes can cause disorders in the reproductive system of humans and lead to Reproductive Impairment.
All the hazardous wastes are Carcinogenic in nature. They can react with your body organs and systems to cause Cancer. It can be Lung Cancer, Skin Cancer, and also other types depending on route of exposure.
Central Nervous System:
The releases from Hazardous wastes can also interfere in your nervous system and disrupt its functioning. These can also be a significant reason of Nervous System Disorders in Humans.
These are the Impacts of Hazardous Wastes on Human Health. This blog contains Characteristics and Impacts of Hazardous waste.
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