This blog contains information about Threatened and Endangered Species. It also discuss Threatened Species List and also IUNC Red List of Endangered Species. This also has Major Threats to Species and also answers the question How to prevent Species from getting Endangered and Extinct?
What are Threatened Species?
Threatened Species are those species that are at risk of getting Endangered in the near Future. We get to know that a specie is threatened by evaluating the Population Dynamics and Population growth rate.
The species that are vulnerable in the terms of existence and their individuals are not fit to survive for a long time are termed as Threatened Species. These species are at high risk of getting Endangered within a short period of time. This can be because of their weak traits, their survival capabilities or because of Mass extinction so threatened species are characterized by few individuals of a specie. The number of individuals of Threatened Species are slightly higher than the ones that are already Endangered. There is a need to conserve these species in the Protected Areas and also National Parks to avoid their Endangerment.
Every specie plays its role in maintaining the Environment and also the Ecosystem. And we know that Threatened species can become Endangered anytime. And Endangerment can turn into Extinction in near future. So, the condition of a specie of being Threatened, is taking it closer to Extinction. We should apply the Biodiversity Conservation Strategies on the initial levels so that, it does not reach the extreme level (extinction). This blog contains information about Threatened and Endangered Species.
Why Rare Species are called Threatened Species?
Rare species are those species that exists in a very small number of individuals on the Earth. These species are considered Threatened because they are already in a very small number. The species with rare characteristics mostly occurs due to unusual breeding and also traits in species. Most of the time they are restricted to a specific area such as a Forest, Desert or any isolated Island, where unusual or rare breeding take place between species having different traits or characteristics.

What is the Threatened Specie list?
There are many threatened species that exists on Earth. Following are some Examples of Threatened Species:
- Nelson’s small eared Shrew
- Jamaican iguana
- Species of Whales
- Bigeye Tuna
- Whale Shark
These are some of the Threatened species on Earth. They are near to get Endangered in the near future. This blog is all about Threatened and Endangered Species.
What are some of the Major Threats to Species ?
There are many Environmental Threats that leads to make the species Threatened. These threats posses great threats for the specie existence. Following are some of the Major Threats to Species:
1. Climate Change:
Climate Change is the evaluation of long term Temperature and Weather Patterns of a region. The Climate is a very important component of the Environment and we know that every specie lives in an Environment. Climate Change has become a serious threat to specie existence. It is because the Climate is drastically changing every year and posing great health and also physical impacts to the species. Many of the individuals of species die every year due to extreme changes in Climatic Conditions.
2. Pollution:
Pollution is the addition of any unwanted or foreign substances into any type of the Environment. This is a dangerous Environmental Problem of this era. Pollution occurs because of wastes and wastes are produced by Human Population. The Pollution is polluting all the Natural Ecosystems such as Forests, Water, and Air. The species living in these Environments are harmed by the waste produced by Human Activities and Negligence. Pollution is a significant threat for the specie existence.
3. Habitat Loss:
Habitat is the place or space that an organism need to live and survive. All the living species get their food, water and shelter from their habitats. When Human Activity or Environmental Conditions destroy the Natural Habitats of different species, this phenomena is called Habitat Loss. This can be the result of Deforestation, Desertification, Wetland Destruction or Habitat Fragmentation. Habitat loss is the reason why many animals lose their lives every year. This is a great threat to Biodiversity.
4. Overexploitation of Species:
Overexploitation of species includes all the Human Activities that harm the species or disturb their survival on Earth. Humans cause harm to the species by Unsustainable hunting or Overharvesting of the species. The species that face overexploitation, decline in their population at great levels so the overexploitation makes the populations of the species to become very less so they are threatened. This leads to the reducing the surviving possibility of the species in the Environment.
5. Invasive Species:
Invasive species are non-native species that do not belong to the same ecosystem and area. They seem harmful for the native species of the area. These can hunt native species or harm them in many different ways. The invasive species disturb the Natural Environment of the Ecosystems and also effect the survival of other Native Species. The only way to treat invasive species is to eliminate them from the Ecosystem in order to reduce their harmful impacts of those species on the already existing species.
Other threats that cause Specie Extinction include Diseases, Habitat Degradation etc. These are some of the threats that cause the species to get Endangered or Threatened so we should take these threats in our observation in order to Conserve Biodiversity and also species in nature. This blog contains information about Threatened and Endangered Species.
What is the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ?
IUCN stands for International Union for Conservation of Nature. This organization has world’s most well-known objective assessment systems for declining species. It contains explicit criteria and so the categories to classify the Conservation status of on the basis of their probability of Extinction. They published this classification of declining species in the form of IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Following lost recognizes several categories of specie status:
I. Extinct (EX):
The species whose last individual is died and so they are vanished from the Earth.
II. Extinct in the Wild (EW):
These are the species that are surviving only in the specialized and artificial Environments not in wild.
III. Critically Endangered (CR):
In this group, the species are at high risk of Extinction and also are extremely Endangered at present.
IV. Endangered Species (EN):
The species showing rapid population decline and are at path to get Extinct.
V. Vulnerable (VU):
These species are at high risk of being Endangered and also their population is declining at great levels.
VI: Near Threatened (NT):
This group of species are at high risk of being Threatened in near future.
VII: Least Concern (LC):
These species includes pervasive and abundant species that we get to know as a result of careful assessment.
VIII: Data Deficit (DD):
This group of species includes the species whose available data does not show that they are at risk of Extinction.
IX: Not Evaluated:
These are the species that are not evaluated by IUCN.
These were the Classifications or Categories of the species that are applied in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This blog contains Threatened and Endangered Species.
What is the Criteria to assess Extinction Risk of a Specie?
Following Criteria is applied for the evaluation of Extinction Risk of a Specie:
- Rate of Population Decline
- Geographical Range
- If species possesses a small population size
- If species have small Geographical Distribution
- What if the Quantitative Analysis indicates a high probability of extinction in the wild.
This is the most authentic criteria to assess Extinction Risk of a Specie so we can apply this criteria when we want to know that how risky is the Extinction of a Specie. This blog contains information about Threatened and Endangered Species.
What are Endangered Species?
Endangered species are the species that can become Extinct in near future. These species are very less on the Earth and most of the population is destroyed. So, They are at risk of getting extinct Globally or in a Political Area.
The Endangerment of species is the higher degree of Threatened species. This is the condition in which the species are near Extinction level. The Extinction is the vanishing of species from the Earth so this kind of problem can occur because of sudden rapid decrease in population of a specie or by the loss of any critical habitat that relates to a specific specie. Most of the time, the threats for being Threatened and also Endangered are same. Sometimes Mass Extinction becomes the reason, the species becomes Endangered and Extinct.
The Endangerment of the species takes the species to the condition of becoming extinct. This can be for multiple reasons including many Environmental and also Physical Hazards in an Ecosystem. This blog is all about Threatened and Endangered Species.
What are the Organizations that work for the Endangered species?
Many organizations in the United States work for the Protection and so the Survival of Endangered Species. Following are the organizations that work for Endangered Specie Conservation:
- U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES)
These are the world famous working on the survival and also protection of Endangered Species. These organizations are US based and also are properly taking care of the Endangered Species.
What is the Endangered Species List?
Following is the Endangered Species list:
- Rhinos
- Orangutans
- Asian Elephant
- Tiger
- Gorillas
- Hawksbill Turtle
- Vaquita
- Amazon River Dolphin etc.
These are some of the Endangered Species on the Earth. We should protect and also conserve Endangered Species in protected areas such as National Parks and Zoos, so where they can be taken care of. This blog is all about Threatened and Endangered Species.
How can we prevent species from getting Endangered or Extinct?
As we know that many organizations are working for the Conservation and Protection of Endangered and Threatened species. They use different strategies and also precautions that helps them to conserve the species and prevent them from getting Endangered or Extinct. Following are some Strategies that helps us in preventing Endangerment or Extinction of the Species:
Habitat Restoration:
The main reason behind Mass Extinction is the destruction of Habitats. After the destruction of suitable habitats of the species, the loss of habitat expose them to the Environment where they can be harmed or killed. The Sustainable Solution for protecting and conserving species is to provide them a suitable Habitat. Habitat Restoration means to restore the already existing habitats of rare and vulnerable species so this will provide them suitable Habitats to live and also help in their survival.
Establish National Parks:
National Parks are the protected areas in which Biodiversity, Landscapes and also the Natural Environments are conserved. The establishment of National Parks helps us to provide secure habitats, food, water and shelter to the Wildlife and also all the rare species that can live in that area. In this way, these species are safe from the Human Activities or Human and also Wildlife Conflicts so we should shift all the threatened species in the National Parks in order to avoid their destruction and decline in population.
Wetland Conservation:
Wetlands are one of the most important and secure Biodiversity Hotspots. These are the habitat for many rare species of Flora and Fauna. They also provide many Environmental Benefits such as Biodiversity Conservation, Flood Control, Erosion Control and also Wastewater Treatment at the same time. Wetland Conservation is the proper maintenance of the wetland, that makes it a suitable habitat for Rare species of Plants and Animals and also perform their Conservation so this will help in preventing Extinction.
Reforestation and Afforestation:
The concept of Restoration is the Planting of Trees in the area that was a forest in the past. While Afforestation is Planting of Trees in the area which was not a Forest in the past. Reforestation and Afforestation are Sustainable Techniques to promote Biodiversity and also providing Habitats to different species of Flora and Fauna. Many forests become prone to Deforestation every year. This is a significant reason of Biodiversity Loss that most of the results in Specie Endangerment and also Extinction. ‘
These are few Sustainable Strategies that can help us to avoid Endangerment and Extinction of the species so by applying these Strategies we can avoid the Extinction of the Species. This blog contains Threatened and Endangered Species.

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